First Time to Wausau Whitewater Park?



A number of lodging options are available throughout the Wausau, WI area. Jefferson St. Inn is within walking distance of the park. Learn about additional options at the Visit Wausau Website.

For special discount rates click the image above!

Wausau Whitewater Camping:
We offer free rustic group camping space during all release weekends on the south end of the park. The space is first come, first serve with no formal check-in. Simply ask other campers around you if you have questions regarding where to setup.

  • Camping/parking is not permitted in the gravel parking lot. There is a twice a week farmers market there.

  • No campfires allowed.

  • A restroom facility is available with a free public outdoor shower.

  • Deposit garbage/recyclables in the provided bins and be sure to pick up after your pets.

  • There isn’t any access for large motorhomes or 5th wheels.

WAUSAU whitewater park

How to Find Us:
The whitewater park is located at 200 River Drive in downtown Wausau, WI.


Check in/Registration:
Visit the tent north of the parking lot and alongside the County Parks Building to check-in or register. Registration opens roughly around 9 am. Save time by completing your waivers online now.

Parking during event days is available in the parking lot located alongside the County Parks Building (next to the registration tent). No camping is allowed in the parking lot.

Camping Map:

Click image to enlarge.

Boats and Equipment

Any whitewater kayaks, canoes or boogie boards are great options for Wausau Whitewater Park. Watch the videos to get an idea of the features available and decide which boat(s) you want to bring.

Visit the Rutabaga Paddlesports tent riverside to try a demo boat for your future freestyle, river running or creeking adventures!

Gear and Clothing:
Helmets and PFDs are required equipment on the course. If taking a class, these will be provided for you. Float bags for your boat(s) are STRONGLY recommended.

Dress for the water and air — warm temps may not mean warm water. Wear a synthetic blend of clothing and secure footwear such as tennis shoes, water shoes or river sandals — NO FLIP FLOPS.